04 November 2019

Nailed It

4chan predicted this:

The president of a Connecticut university said hate-filled flyers were randomly distributed throughout campus on Thursday night.

Harmless message will cause media backlash.

You will notice that no images of the "hate-filled" flyer are included with the article.

The media has showered itself in so much glory that I no longer automatically believe them when they make a hate claim.

They've repeatedly proven they cannot be trusted, so I don't.

Unmentioned here is that both Western Connecticut State University and the reporter feel that being white is NOT OK.  Otherwise, why would it matter and be newsworthy?

For the record, it's OK to be whatever race you are.









That content of character, that matters.

I can see the content of the character of the president of WCSU and Ms. Naples.

1 comment:

  1. That kind of subtle bias is one of the things that has poisoned the media over the years. But the worst thing they do is still the sin of omission. They just plain refuse to report on news that doesn't fit into their political bias. Or if they must, they like to bury it deep on page 3 or worse. Or they intentionally downplay it. Or worse, cover it in intentionally slanted ways.


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