03 April 2019

Thag Hub!

My blog is marked as porn on several DNS filters of the sort used by workplaces.

I didn't even post any pics of dicks or tits.  Could it be my fucking potty mouth?

This is interesting.

I wonder how one appeals this decision.


  1. Hey Angus;

    So does mine and I know I don't post dick or boob pics. I figured a few years ago that my being disparaging of the petulant boy king(Obama) tripped the snowflake filters a long time ago. As I understand it, there is no way to appeal it since we engage is "hatespeechh", LOL

  2. Pink meat alert!

    Also -- talking about guns is more offensive to liberals than pr0n. It would be far more likely for example, for a liberal to protest a school library having "Guns & Ammo" on the shelf than Penthouse.

    If they protested Penthouse it would probably be because it wasn't gender acronym friendly enough rather than it containing boob pics.


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