08 September 2020

A Full Season Too Soon

Since Amazon Prime is letting me watch the remastered versions of Star Trek: The Original Series...

One episode (#15, Shore Leave) really stood out for something.

It's got a Chekov's gun!

Sulu finds a "an old police special" S&W Model 10 early on in the episode and Kirk takes it away; tucking it into his waistband.

A bit later, because the phasers are inoperative, he uses it to shoot a mounted knight.

I am giggling about all this because Pavel Chekov doesn't even appear in the first season.

It'd have been absolutely hilarious if it had been Chekov to find the Chekov's Gun...

"Missed it by that much," M. Smart.

This also illuminates something else.

George Takei (a known dancing monkey) is gay and has repeatedly insisted that Hikaru Sulu is straight.

Mr Takei is also anti-gun, Sulu is a gun collector.

Characters are not the people who play them, but so much of why people are enthralled by the "wisdom" dispensed by dancing monkeys is because of their portrayal of characters.


  1. Ah, but they've been retconning the Star Trek universe since Voyager, at least. 'Enterprise' did it some, especially adding in that whole stupid 'time war' thing. But past V and E? Especially the movies? Fugedaboutit.

    And, yes, I am totally miffed that there is a huge volume of authorized work pre- during- and post ST:The Original Series that lays out perfectly what happened from, well, somewhere in 1920s on up to the Star Trek period. Which includes the first human warp drive, the creation of Star Fleet, the existence of various fleet elements not ever shown in most of the movies and shows except when showing Star Fleet getting thrashed by the Borgs over and over and over again. So why step out the airlock into retconning?

    Like that 'Picard' show. Just reading the show synopsisessess makes my head reel.

    1. I chose the rational route.

      There is only one Star Trek. There are some Star Trek movies, but are oddly only even numbered...
      There is only one Highlander movie.
      There are only two Alien movies.
      There are only two Predator movies.
      There are only three Star Wars movies...

    2. The only prequel of Star Wars I enjoy is part of #3 where the stuck up Jedi get wasted. Otherwise it's the three original movies, and the first one is the one where Han shot first.

      Otherwise I agree with your choices.

      Did I mention I really really really love watching all the Jedi die, even the kids?

      Stuck up Jedi. Interstellar wankers all.

    3. If it puts things in perspective, my first Kenner Star Wars figure was a Stormtrooper.

      The CG animated Clone Wars series redeems the prequel trilogy somewhat, though watching it in release order sucks. There's viewing guides that help to sort the anthology nature.


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