18 September 2020

RBG Passed Away

 What else do I have to say?



  1. Am I bad that my first thought on finding out was "Ding dong, the witch is dead". I hate to say anything bad about the dead, but I said it all about RBG while she was still living, so it is nothing new now.

    Hopefully Trump will appoint someone immediately and they will be confirmed by the Senate prior to the election.

  2. Yes, that does make you bad. What song does that leave for when Hillary is put out of our misery?

    1. Let the body hit the floor, let the body hit the floor...

  3. Good point. I'll have to think about that. It will be a huge celebration to be sure, but Hillary, thankfully enough, was rendered by the Electoral College, mostly irrelevant. She's still annoying of course, and worthy of some retribution, but RBG was still making incredibly awful decisions that were negatively affecting everyone up until near the end.

    1. Yeah, that makes sense. This is reminding me of a conversation I had years ago with Eric about who's more evil, Hitler or Stalin. As I remember it, he picked Stalin, on account of the far higher body count. I picked Hitler, because of motive: Stalin murdered all those people to gain wealth and power, but Hitler gained wealth and power in order to murder all those people.

      Now, it's not really fair to call either of you bad on that basis, and I do apologize for that. It's really just a different perspective. The setup you gave me was just too much to resist...

  4. If you're going by numbers Mao was worse than either Hitler or Stalin. But in this case I have to agree with Eric. But it is because I think Stalin probably murdered those people just because he liked it, same as Hitler, plus the greed of power and wealth. At some point, arguing over which one of these people was the most evil is arguing over shades of black. They were all so totally evil the difference is largely meaningless. That's where I also agree with Eric, the net result tips the scale. Of course I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time, probably won't be the last. And if I am, I probably won't apologize for it either. And I don't expect you to either. I can't hand you a straight line like that and expect you not to run with it. I would have.

    1. Pol Pot. Fastest zero to genocide time. Highest percentage. Got wealth and power FROM his decision to do genocide.


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