23 September 2020


An interesting fact that frequent commenter (and meatspace friend) Technomad pointed out to me in the distant mists of time:

Nazi was derogatory slang for NSDAP.

It played on a Bavarian pet name for Ignaz, which translates from German as "Cleetus" does in modern American.

Now that we're being confronted with an advanced case of fascism under several names, including Democratic Socialism; I propose a new name for them

Dimzi.  Dim because they are dim and because it's a homophone for Dem from democratic and Democrat.  Zi because it riffs off of the Nazi they so resemble.

Like the NSDAP, they will dislike the slang term.


  1. I like it. I second the motion!

  2. Nimzi,, easy to type, descriptive, works fermi..
    Can we go ahead and have a vote?


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