14 September 2020

Snopes Would Agree

It has been brought to my attention that I am a worthless piece of shit, devoid of value and without redeeming qualities.

When I agreed with this assessment of my character, who am I to disagree as a worthless piece of shit, devoid of value and without redeeming qualities, I got a private message which underscored that not only was I a worthless piece of shit, devoid of value and without redeeming qualities, but I was also unable to comprehend their simple, deleted, missive alluding to my objective value.

I am sad.

But worthless pieces of shit, devoid of value and without redeeming qualities do not deserve sympathy or compassion.

Be sure to kick me in the teeth for having the temerity to have bothered you with my existence.


  1. Despite all their claims of impartiality, I've often found Snopes to be pretty obviously left biased.

    And I've generally, again, despite all their claims, found that lefties are the most intolerant people.

    I know probably nobody cares what I think, but you're good in my eyes.

  2. You do yourself no favors with this passive-aggressive snivelling.

    1. Gets it out of my system.

      But the Snopes agreement is a clue that I don't think it's an accurate assessment of my character.

  3. Yeah, well, someone was a piece of dung to you.

    You have many redeeming qualities: you're smart, well educated in several fields, able to extrapolate accurately without much data, amusing, and creative.

    These are just a few of your redeeming qualities I thought of in just about a minute.

    But what do I know, I'm just a former squid, I don't know nothing about being a tanker or being good father to The Boy.

  4. Take a boulder of salt with anything *ANY* so called "fact checkers" online put out.

    My anecdotal evidence is that they are all indeed left leaning, some so far left (and backwards) that their heads are up their sphincters.

    Sadly, there are those (like my BIL's father) who read, believe and cite Snopes and others as gospel truth. They cannot see what is real versus what is fed narrative. My only regret is that this fellows vote will cancel mine but I pray (not prey - yet) that enough millions of our countrymen vote R across the board, from dog catcher to president.


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