01 September 2020

Race War!

Provocative title to get the click... done!

I don't want a race war.

Most of the people who're the same color as the people provoking a race war don't want a race war.

There's people of all colors provoking this war too.

But if it kicks off in earnest, it's going to be ugly with all capital letters.

As with all wars, the innocent will suffer with the guilty and the innocent always suffer more.

This will be regardless of race.  There's always more suffering to make sure it goes around.

If you're white, while this war will suck, you'll be sitting victorious at the end because of the numbers.  All of the "let's have a war" metrics support the white side of this affair.

Which means that if you're black; it's gonna suck.

Western Civ is slow to anger but always bring hate with the rage.

With rage comes vengeance.

With vengeance often comes injustice.

I can readily see a future where the surviving people of color, innocent or not, are held at third class citizenship... forever as far as the majority is concerned.

A place where compassionate people will say that this is unjust and they shouldn't be treated like that and a rational case can be made to continue the injustice honestly using the history that led up to the war to support why the boot should never come off their necks ever again.

There will be that much blood.

I've been doing my Cassandra thing for many years on this very topic.

Every day that goes past where we don't fix the problem is a day lost and makes it that much harder to turn the trajectory.

One of the problems that needs fixing is both sides aren't even looking at why things are fucked up.

They often get angry at you for pointing it out.

It's not helped that both sides have legitimate grievances.

It's not helped that both sides are pushing illegitimate slights to further their causes.

It can be stopped.

I have a great deal of hope that it will be stopped before it's too late because I've seen who's screaming, "Don't defund the police!  We want more police!" and it's not the grievance committee.

It's the people of color who've long been Americans trapped in a sub-culture enclaves.  Natives surrounded by colonists in a way.

I want to help my fellow Americans.  Being an American is something that transcends race, national origin, religion, gender, sex, sexual preferences and even entertainment choices.

Let's be Americans!  Let's be Americans together and stop trying to steal from one another and putting a righteous veneer on the crime.


  1. Yeah. It will be very bad for any minority on the wrong side during a race war. Especially since during one moment of peak Western Civ the quaint concept of "Kill them all, God will know his own" was coined regarding a subsect of whitness not acting like all the other whiteness in the area, and some of the mainstream whiteness was harboring the wrongness subsect of whiteness.

    I mean, if we'll whack our own to cull the wrongness of our own, that's pretty damning about our resolve to cut 'the evil' out of civilization.

    mumble, mumble, poking the bear, mumble, mumble. The bear in this situation isn't the Soviets/Russians/whomever. It's us, the USA.

  2. One problem the "communities of color" have is their habit of reflexively defending their worst bad apples. Some gangsta gets shot *cough Ferguson cough cough* and the news media are full of his worthless, just-as-bsd relatives moaning about how he was a good boy..."he was turning his life around, he wanted to be a father to his kids, he was looking to release a rap album..."

    The ghetto blacks think they have the numbers, but they've never seen anything but their own deep-inner-city neighborhoods. And they don't have many allies. Hispanics of any flavor (and there are a lot of different kinds of Hispanics; you doubt me, go call a Cuban a Honduran or a Mexican sometime) despise them.


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