20 September 2020

Glee Becomes Despair

I've been comparing and contrasting the responses to the death of a Supreme Court Justice.

I remember the glee which the Left responded to Antonin Scalia's death and the unbounded joy they expressed that a conservative justice would be replaced by President Obama.

I remember all their demands, that the Senate stop stalling and install Garland.

I remember them all taking the position that waiting until after the election was wrong.  Including Ruth Bader Ginsberg herself.

I remember their despair when it was realized that the Republicans, not the Democrats controlled the Senate and they could sit on their hands over the appointment for as long as they'd like.

A lesson they'd hard learned from watching their Democrat colleagues.

Even more fun, for me, is the petard that is launching the Democrat's despair is their own.

Thank you Harry Reid!

1 comment:

  1. FWIW, I thought that not at least having a vote over Garland was the wrong thing to do, and unfair to Garland. From what little I know of him, Garland's personally a decent sort, who didn't deserve to be caught in that sh*tstorm. And the Dems were gunning for payback, which they thought they were going to get with Kavanaugh. If I were a Democrat, I'd be praying very hard (were I not an atheist) that no decisions important to me come down to Kavanaugh's vote.


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