29 September 2020

It Doesn't Work That Way

I've been banned from the grounds of The Boy's school.

On Friday they changed how they were going to do pick-ups again.

Bear in mind that the actual, published, rules have never changed.

They have not followed their own procedures in more than a year for picking him up, but on Friday decided that alles must now be en ordnung.

The person who's in charge of the afternoon parking lot apparently felt that directing traffic with angry, jerky motions and glares was sufficient to inform me that I needed to put a sign-out time on the clip board.

I was further informed of the reinstatement of this requirement by her shoving the clipboard into the passenger side and in front of my face and growling "YOU HAVE TO SIGN HIM OUT!"

I was not expecting to have a clipboard shoved in my face and reacted angrily with a "Fine!" and gave them an illegible scrawl.

This is not the first time this employee has been a jerk during pick-up and I decided I'd had enough and fired off an email to demand the actual rules so I could be in full compliance.

I gave a physical description of the employee and complained about her lack of basic respect.

This was deemed "disturbingly hostile" and my description was "defamatory".  Can't be too defamatory if the description got you to the correct employee...

That description?  "the blonde lady who dresses 20 years younger than she is."

Oh, the slander.  Oh, the libel.

So, in the world of special needs schools, demanding some common courtesy from an employee gets you banned from the property.

I think we're just going to withdraw The Boy from this school who've selected "be a bully" when an accurate enough to ID someone description wilts their precious fweelings.

Bullies are always bullies, and I don't trust these people with my son any longer.


  1. If they're treating the parents like that, can't even imagine how badly they're treating the students.

    Yes, raise a stink. Employee needs to be shamed for not being polite and respectful. The fact that you're actually still involved with The Boy shows a level of love and tolerance that, quite frankly, sounds like she'll never find.

    Hope you find a decent place soon.

  2. A number of years ago I had a meeting with my boy's principal. She insisted on calling my son disrespectful for the crime of decorating his name with a flower. Not a topic we were actually discussing.

    After the twentieth iteration of me saying "teacher is wrong because x,y,z" and her saying "your son was disrespectful" I said "when you say that, it makes me want to jump down your throat"

    And then we went on, reached a conclusion that was satisfactory to me.

    On the way out of the office she asked me why didn't I apply to become a teacher there because I was so good at communicating and seemed to understand what was needed as a teacher. Not sarcastic. I took it as an actual invitation to apply.

    The next day I got a letter home with both of my children telling me I was banned from school grounds because I threatened the principal.

    I requested a meeting, was granted a meeting, had my preacher come as support.

    When I got there the principal had to secretary, some other admin person, the gym teacher (only make teacher in the school and big) to stand over and attempt to intimate me. My preacher was running late and they demanded that we start without him

    At this point she starts accusing me of threatening her. I say it didn't happen. Everybody is on her side.

    Finally I had enough, I asked "do you have a memory problem or are you just lying?" At which point I was told to leave because I was "rude".

    We pulled it kids the next day. Home schooled the rest of the year and were in a different district for the next year.

    They would not hear that accusing me of making a death threat was "rude" but suggesting that the principal might be wrong or lying absolutely was "rude".

    The only way they were going to allow me back was if I sent a signed written apology for threatening the principal.

    The short point is that most of the rules that exist are to allow them to control is. Those save rules and procedures do not apply to them.

    1. The same kind of union abuses that allow bad cops to exist are also completely prevalent in the education industry. They know that the corrupt system will support them so they are free to lie and abuse their power. It is a shame that it also tends to frighten and intimidate the majority of good teachers and cops to keep quiet for fear of losing their careers.

  3. I agree with Beans. I don't think you are wrong for not trusting them if they choose to allow their employees to behave like that.


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