09 September 2020

Dune Official Trailer

It looks well cast.  Wikipedia claims they're doing it as two movies because the source material is so dense.

Eyes crossed that it's done right!


  1. I thought the mini-series was pretty darned good. Not totally fantastic, but much better than the De Lorentis movie.

    The two mini-series set a pretty high mark for sticking to the story, for the most part.

    This one: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0142032/

  2. Almost the only bok I didn't finish cover to cover.

    1. I devoured the Dune series when in High School... up to a point.

      I don't even remember which book I was on when I just quit in the middle of it. God Emperor sounds right because the plot synopsis for Heretics doesn't taste familiar.

      Most books that I read like that, I've revisited and reread. Not Dune.

      When I quit in mid book, I was DONE.

      Yet... Thanks to the movie, I'm considering rereading the first book.


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