23 September 2020

I Think I Know Why

63% of adults under 40 do not know that six million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust.

The Florida Board of Education is meeting at The Holocaust Museum in St Pete to discuss what to do about that.

I think I know why kids don't know.

Because if you teach about The Holocaust, you have to teach them about The Nazis.

If you teach about the Nazis, you have to tell them where the name comes from.

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Then you'd have to explain to the kids how National Socialism is somehow different from Democratic Socialism.  (Hint: They're not)

If you did teach these things, they'd see that the Antifa is just a different flavor of socialist agitation, communist opposition to the fascist national socialism.

They'd see that today's Antifa isn't opposing fascism, but taking the role of the Italian Black Shirt or the Nazi Brownshirt.

But we dare not teach the kids about the evils of socialism.  Otherwise they might also notice that trade unions have their wings dipped in the same red blood.

Hey, isn't Mrs Teacher in a union?


I feel like James Burke.


  1. The Nazis killed more like 11 million people. Besides the Jews were Gypsies, Physically handicapped, mentally handicapped, real Christians, anyone that could/would think for themselves, partisans and freedom fighters. Antia are just modern day fasicst nazis. And as their predicessors, all thay can do is stel and destroy what belongs to others.

    1. The press never remembers the 5 million plus people who weren't Jewish when they talk about The Holocaust.

  2. Interesting. Must be about 50% or so were not educated in US public schools, given most schools dedicate about a month of holohoax education, a month of women's rights education and at least a month of minority studies each school year since around 2000.

    1. Please tell me you're using holohoax ironically.

      Having seen the actual camps in Europe during a time where the Warsaw Pact had a vested interest in making the West look bad; I'm convinced that Nazi Germany really did murder 11 million plus people.

    2. I'm sure a lot of people died, of starvation and disease, when you are rationing supplies to run a military in the hopes of staving off the death of your nation. That didn't end well for the losing side in the war against communism. Much less the "winning" side.

      What I really don't care for is being beat over the head with Hitler's Ghost every time white folks attempt to stand up for their own interests.

      Much like the vast minority of slaveholders (but no word about the vast majority of slave-runners and slave-traders) are used as a bludgeon against any current Wypipo in the US, there is also the ever-present being Literally Hitler whenever one notices a pattern in the ethnic identity of a group that has a vast over-representation in positions of power, including education, finance, media and politics.

      Frankly, as I don't give a shit about reparations to a group of people me and mine had no hand in enslaving and have done nothing to raise themselves up because they are incapable of doing so, I don't give a shit about what happened to a foreign-thinking group that was removed from a foreign nation in which me and mine also had no hand in.

      The only thing I do know is that there are a lot of people getting poked with a stick into a corner, and when anger takes over, it won't stop with segregation or camps.

    3. But you didn't really respond to what I asked, did you?

      You're getting one more chance to not sound like a racist holocaust denier.

      It's a matter of phrasing and word choice.

      Make it clear.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Go away racist. Your commenting privileges are revoked.


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