02 September 2020

Sick Of This Shit

Watching vids on YouTube means commercials now.

Every once and while I see a commercial that has some interest and I click on the ad.

There's a company called IPA Tools.

They sell some nifty relay gizmos where a switch replaces the winding so you can activate it manually.

No, that's not right.

They DON'T FUCKING SELL THE COCKSUCKING THINGS AT ALL they list them and tell you to call or email them to get a distributor to contact you.


Fuck off.

No, really, fuck off.

While your gizmos are neat and would be handy, I know how to make a switched jumper from a toggle and some wire.

Making me jump through extra contact hoops means I'm not spending my hard stole earned on you or your distributors.

It's not 1975.  The internet changed the paradigm.  Get up to speed.

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