30 September 2020

Window Closes Door Opens

The Boy announced today that if I was banned from taking him to his school, then he would prefer to not attend there anymore.

We called his support coordinator and it turns out that the school he was attending is no longer the only choice in our area.

Additionally, there are "companion" programs with one-on-one education stuff that do a better job of keeping him engaged and give a less academic approach.

The funding he receives from the state, from the generous contributions of taxpayers like you, can be seamlessly moved from one service provider to the next.

I hope they appreciate what they've accomplished.

Someone else will be getting the money that was previously earmarked for them.

Being rude and unprofessional to a customer has consequences!

Yes.  Yes it does.

They're apparently aware that The Boy would make such an ultimatum, because they're all of a sudden very willing to cooperate on getting him transported by their van.

Something which wasn't even to be considered these past five years.
It's nice to have some power for a change.


  1. Good for The Boy and for you and your wife, that he has a chance to get away from those poisonous people.


    Be prepared for the inevitable filing of a complaint by 'concerned' people from the school as to your fitness to parent The Boy.

    Please have your ducks in a row for this inevitable action by the evil people.

    1. We've already spoken to a professional. We've more on them than they have on us because what we have on them is real and substantial.

      Their failure to inform either Harvey or me directly and before they contacted the coordinator is illegal. Possibly even a violation of the care agreement.

      Probably not going to net me substantial financial compensation, but they could be looking at defending their licenses should we decide to pursue it.

    2. Anything that keeps you out of jail is good. Didn't expect monetary compensation, unless an investigation opens up a can of worms.

      Did they import these people from Broward County or... are they... YANKEES? (Gasp... whatever...)

      Glad you are on top of things. I expected, but then again, I have a gloomy German outlook on life, so I always expect the bad...


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