24 September 2020

Dear Fucking Foreigner

I think we need a law that says that we can kill any foreign citizen who inserts their opinion into our politics.

Because I'm sick of listening to people who're residing here with zero intention of becoming citizens telling those of use who are citizens how our elections and votes should go.

I have a bit of a clue for the Royal Family of England.

Way back in 1775 we formed an army to oppose that whole England thing.

By 1783 we'd won the war and the right to tell the Royal Fucking Family of Motherfucking England to FUCK RIGHT THE FUCK OFF!

For all goddamned time.

The debts incurred, and not repaid, from WW2 further cemented the concept.

Harry, you've no right to tell us what to do.  Your opinion is lessened by your heritage and proximity to the throne.  Your cunt fucking wife can shut her pie-hole too.

You think I'm being harsh?

Show up to my house and I will repeat it in person.

You want an opinion about American politics, you need to renounce and abdicate then become a citizen here.




  1. There was significant debt, too, from WWI. And then there's the debt from us protecting their ass during the Cold War and post-Cold-War Cold War while they dumbed down their military to pay for social programs.

    Seriously, he and she can move to Canada. Where his British allegiance still means something.

    He is, as a friend of mine so clearly put it, isn't pussy-whipped. He's cunt-battered.

    As for Ms. Markle? She's an okay actress. I only watched 'Suits' for to watch Sarah Rafferty, who's a little thin for my tastes but, yeah, damn...

    As for what you said in your last three lines? I'd add, "And get off my Lawn!"

    Friggin royals....

    Last I checked, a US Citizenship (in play since 1783 or so) makes even the lowest US Citizen equal to the highest levels of other nations. Which in Merkle's case, means she married.... down. Or not. Who cares? I stopped listening to what crazy dancing and performing monkeys screech at me.

  2. As a Brit, I can only applaud your post but you are being too kind to Harrys partner.


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