09 September 2020

What Did Greenies Use For Light Before Candles?

I am reading about how Californians are expected to shut down the oven and crank the AC to 78° at 3pm thanks to an electricity shortage statewide.

A shortage that's entirely the creation of idiotic greenie bullshit laws brought to you, not by science, but by government decree.

A topic that's gotten to the back burner lately has been the Aztlan shit and their demanding that California be given back to Mexico.

Irony washed over me when I realized that if we did hand Cali back to Mexico, the place would actually get better for many citizens because Mexico only pays lip service to all that environmental bullshit.

They'd just build power plants.

In a couple of cases, they wouldn't even have to build them, just fire them back up.

Diablo Canyon isn't dismantled, for example.


  1. What Did Greenies Use For Light Before Candles? Nothing. They've always been in the dark.......

    1. Tool using people had fire before we invented candles.

      Greenies used electricity before they used candles.

  2. It is sad that the Mexican government which has been systematically corrupt since Santa Ana could be superior in so many ways to that of California and so many other libtard controlled states.

    Seriously, California is disfunctional beyond belief. So much so that thousands of people and even whole companies are fleeing to better run states like Texas and Florida every year.

  3. From what I've heard, the Mexican cops also take N-O sh*t from "protesters." Try throwing a Molotov cocktail at the Mexico City riot squad, ese, and you'll be needing a closed casket at your funeral next week. They frown severely on that sort of shenanigans.


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