24 September 2020


California has mandated that all new passenger vehicles sold in the state from 2035 on will be zero emission.

With their war on electrical production, California has effectively exited the automobile market.

The automakers will be free to ignore what goes on in California.

What it really means for the rest of us is we can finally buy cars which conform to just the federal emissions standards instead of California's.

We're finally going to be free of being forced to conform to the whims of a government we're not allowed to vote for and have no grounds to sue because of residency.

Hey, I'm an optimist.


  1. Oh, dare to dream.

    It will be amazing if it does, and mileage figures immediately jump 10% or more as all the useless crap that is required by the CARB are ditched. Prices of cars might even drop by the same amount.

  2. I hope your optimism turns out true. Maybe the automakers would say "screw 'em" and stop worrying about California compliance before 2035? Nah. Biggest market in the country, which is one reason cars are the way they are.

    A few years ago, California passed laws that require the state to reduce carbon emissions to 40% of the state's 1990 levels by 2030. That could probably only work by reducing the population as people as people get out of the tyrannical hellhole. They'd have to control every detail of peoples' lives to get there.

    1. I am thinking that California, by law and executive order, is downsizing its market to the point where it's profitable for automakers to ignore them.

      Did you know they used to be the largest market for firearms too?

      I think you're correct and they fully intend to control every aspect of every citizen, including people who live in other states.

  3. Yep, the end of CARB is NOT a bad thing!


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