28 September 2020

It's Because Orangeman Won Isn't It?

I am curious why all the rules about voting need to be changed all of the sudden.
What changed?
The only thing I can make out is that Democrats started losing elections in places they'd thought they were safe from such things.
With no other changes, if one party suddenly starts losing elections, that's time for that party to check in with the voters and ask, "where did we lose you?"
And just to head off one "with no other changes" objection. Gerrymandering is part of the process. It's also a place where the Democrats are complaining that it's suddenly unfair now that Republicans are drawing the lines on the map instead of them.
This is a result of elections too. Win the voters back, and you can draw the lines again.


  1. Didn't their Messiah say "Elections have consequences?"

  2. Lessee... Gerrymandering, done to excess to give Felon Corrinne Brown a district that stretches from Jacksonville down to pert-near Orlando, and veers around several white-family farms. Hmmmmm... Felon Corrinne was a republican, right?

    It's okay when they do voter fraud, but the few times a conservative (usually a very squishy RINO) the Dems have screamed bloody murder, meanwhile dong the same and worse to the Repubs.

    1. Clearly she's a Republican with that (D) behind her name and little to no national media attention to her conviction...


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