15 September 2020

Thinking Must Be Painful

I've noticed that when I get a tad political on Facebook some of my friends get very upset.

I think the main problem is I'm pointing out that many of the things they do have consequences outside their temporary enjoyment.

Consequences they don't like.

Consequences they don't want to think are because they're doing what they're doing.

They always twist it into being my fault for pointing them to the dissonance.

1 comment:

  1. If they can't handle the truth, or even a different opinion, well...

    I stopped dealing with some of my friends because they make everything political, but yell at me if I respond in a way they do not endorse.

    Meh. Facebook. Says it all.

    You could always be like Wirecutter over at Knuckledragging and embrace your bad-boy image.


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