21 September 2020

She'd Do

Amy Barrett would do as a proper replacement for Scalia even though she'd be replacing Bader Ginsberg.

It doesn't hurt a bit that she's relatively young.

She'd be on the bench a good long time and she's with us on the gun issue.

1 comment:

  1. Every one of the Leftist Justices will switch one step further left, leaving a hole in the lefty lineup. Judge Roberts will slide left and fill the vacancy (as he's almost if not already there.)

    Judge Barrett, for all she's said and done, does look like pert-near a strict Constitutionalist, unlike the late (un)lamented Ginsberg, who wouldn't rule using the Constitution if her life depended on it (she may have made some squishy pseudo-constitutionalist rulings, but even those were not-constituionalist.)

    And, the thing is, the next 4 years matters a great deal. Justice Thomas has made rumblings about retirement and I think has only really stayed around because Scalia died. So appointing a good justice is very important, and voting Trump in for 4MY is important because at least one more seat will most likely open up.

    What's that phrase about living in interesting times? Yikes!


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