20 September 2020

Another /5 Anniversary

Today marks ten years on Blogger!

We blame Weer'd!  Weer'd who doesn't even really blog anymore while his wife tolerates his shameless flirting with Erin.  We listen to ACP, we know.  (GRIN)

He convinced me to come out into the wider world of blogging and grew my audience from friends and family to at least six more people.

Three of them even kept reading!

There've been ups and downs, of course, conflicts and reconciliations...

But I'm still having fun and trying to put at least three posts a day to practice this newspaper of my life thing.


  1. Hey Angus;

    Congratulations!!!, Old NFO was the reason I was foisted on the blogging world 9 years ago, LOL

  2. Congratulations!

    I have vague memories of The View From Under the Desk. Was there one before that?

    1. The View From Under The Desk is THIS blog under its original name.

      I had a LiveJournal for about five years before I moved to Blogger.


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