06 June 2022


I promise to say goodbye if I decide to quit this blog.

If this blog stops updating for more than, say, a week; something has happened to me.

I've never hid that I'm a gun owner and have been pretty darned open about what guns I own, so if there's a confiscation and arrests, I'm prolly one of the easy, low-hanging fruits.

I'm the canary in the coal mine!


  1. When Biden's (or the next "Dear Leader") jack booted thugs start rounding non-liberal people up to send off for "re-education" or whatever they decide to do with folks who don't tow their party line, probably most of your readers will be disappeared at the same time as you, soon thereafter or perhaps even before.

  2. We readers appreciate the heads-up. Some blogs do not write of an anticipated absence, and sometimes will be months until picking up where left off.

    Some great bloggers have decided to hang it up for good - we're glad you aren't one of them.


    1. You're glad I'm not one of the great bloggers? Thaaaaaanks? GRIN

    2. One of the great bloggers THAT HASN'T HUNG IT UP FOR GOOD. :^) Just to be clear.



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