19 June 2022

Shut Up Hank

Mr Norris, in addition to being a dancing monkey, your Harvard education is in Social Studies.

Not, you may note, math, economics or business administration.

So, shove your "this is the capitalism you've been asking for!" shit up your ass.

While gas prices are certainly high because an inelastic demand is chasing a limited, and smaller than two years ago, supply and higher prices are a natural result of capitalism in such a situation...

What isn't "capitalism" is why the gasoline supplies are smaller than they used to be.

EPA regulations and compliance with those regulations has reduced the amount of gasoline being refined.

State regulations and boutique fuel blends for summer always mess up the supply in summer and those EPA compliance issues hit the smaller blends even harder.

It's not pure capitalism which causes California to pay more for gas than everywhere else.

Even without the EPA, there'd be less gas at a higher price because the government has decided to do everything it can to stop production of oil domestically at the same time OPEC has decided to leave production flat and oil from Russia has been removed from the market.

That makes oil cost more, which I guess is capitalism, because supply and demand are all capitalism is...

But no, Dean, it's not capitalism (or a soaring economy) causing fuel to be at record high levels.

If you weren't a dancing monkey might know that and I wouldn't know what an ignorant person you are.

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