06 June 2022

Not Anymore

I'm trying to get a few phrases in Dakota for this slowly progressing novel I'm making.

I'm in contact with a very nice former cav-scout who speaks it and we're talking history.

And being honest.

I've said that I wanted to get things right with the culture and to not be offensive towards the Sioux.

He's like, "tell the truth, our peoples did what they did."

The line that really sticks is, "We're not really those people any more."  He's indicating that he's more different from the people he's descended from than he's different from me.  Distinct from my culture in many ways, but more American than Indian anymore.


It makes me look at the people Americans were in this time period and the same thing has happened.

The past truly is another country.

1 comment:

  1. Trying to explain that "they did things differently and thought differently in the past" to people who can't get over being shocked---SHOCKED, I tell you!---about things like Southern opposition to emancipation can be incredibly wearisome.


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