21 June 2022


For the first time in decades, I tried to write in cursive.

The results are legible.

I am surprised!

I was never very good at it, but...

Is there a cursive font for Blogger?  Apparently, there is!

Bet this pisses some people off as badly as Comic Sans.


  1. Very good cursive writing. My wife, now retired was an English teacher for 37 years and the writing shown by most of her pupils was horrible. Made it very hard to grade. Your handwriting is awesome.

    The past couple of years, the most cursive I've written is my signature. Thats it - the rest I write are block lettering that resemble architectural lettering styling drawn with triangle (gotta be an older draftsman to remember that, sliding the triangle along the parallel bar and using it for vertical strokes). Problem is a lot of people can't read it and I get my stuff labeled wrong.


  2. I use Comic Sans some of the time, didn't know it pissed people off. I will now use it 100% of the time, Thanks

    1. Comic Sans and Papyrus had the same effect on a group of people I knew. They were never able to communicate WHY it made them so angry.

      Since I've fallen out with them, I encourage people to use those fonts.

  3. Probably worse. :V

    My cursive got so bad (although *I* could read it muttersnarl) in junior high that they kicked me over to a special class to grind me into printing.

    Which I still use. And it looks about as horrible as my cursive, at the time, so enjoy the Pyrrhic victory, public schools!

  4. I don't really like Comic Sans or Cursive... but the only thing that really made me mad about either was having to do those awful "Palmer Method" books back in grade school. I told teachers back then that Cursive was going to be obsolete soon and all this time spent on it was a waste... they told me I was stupid and crazy for that... I've had the last laugh on that one.

  5. Production Records ans Lab Books required simple Block Printing. That way even I could read what I had written. Cursive is for lawyers to argue over.


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