27 April 2023

A Kind Of Revenant Perhaps

I was rewatching Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl and it hit me:

What kind of undead are the cursed crew of Black Pearl?

They clearly have not suffered any loss of intelligence or will.

Nearly all forms of undead do.

They seem to be driven to end the curse, but aren't being compelled beyond a reasonable desire to end the misery.

Obviously the authors weren't forced to comply with any given template, but I still wonder what kind of undead they are.


  1. Present day Democrats?

    1. But the pirates haven't lost any intelligence.

  2. Even more compellingly: at no point do they show any compulsion to cast a ballot as determined by the hive mind.

  3. You are correct.

    My friends and I were classifying the various varieties of the undead. The cursed pirates definitely have will and intelligence of their own, so they are not of the Lesser Undead, like skeletons, zombies, or lesser mummies. They are definitively Greater Undead.

    They haven't debased themselves through their own actions, nor do they have unnatural hungers like ghouls or vampires. Nor are they liches, demi-liches, greater mummies.

    They may be revenants, made that way by the curse gold, who must complete a certain task to be freed.

    The only point of contention is that they never actually died, but were cursed.

  4. A variety of barrow-wights?


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