09 April 2023


Found this on Facebook and, apparently, got it wrong.


Never mind that the notation is jacked.

I PEMDAS'd it and got...

Thinking that M gets done before D...





But, according to spreadsheets and other comments it's.





This, apparently, is because the PE, MD and AS are grouped and go left to right.

This kind of confusion only happens when I get math in the abstract and never with a practical question.

1 comment:

  1. I like what you say there "never with a practical question". I wrote code for a (large) number of years, and the order of operations is something everyone carefully studied, but I always overused parentheses so that someone debugging the code would know not simply the calculations the way they were addressed by the code, but also the _intent_ - programmers make mistakes.
    -Don R.


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