02 April 2023

I'm Up For The Adult Conversation

In fact, most of the pro-liberty people want to have adult conversations exclusively when talking about stuff like freedom.

We're not going to get it because one side can't even use the word genocide correctly.

They will probably be driven into a murderous rage and kill some more innocent children and staff if you were to point out that, in fact, the adult conversation about teachers teaching this has already occurred and the ruling was in the parent's rights column.

People who are trans are about 0.1% of the population.  That number barely shifted when attitudes changed from suppression to tolerance.

When children start identifying as trans at a much higher level than the historical rate, something's afoot.

I don't like being the one to say it, but gender dysphoria is a mental illness.  Someone suffering from this condition literally isn't seeing reality correctly.

There are varying degrees of severity, but can we, perhaps, also admit that, for some people with this condition, seeing the wrong gender in the mirror might be the smallest distortion of reality they are experiencing.

Some are definitely higher functioning than others.

What appears to be going on in the schools is a conscious decision to inflict a mental illness on children where no illness existed before.

The appearance of this has been reinforced by the reaction to parents asking pointed questions about things like the contents of the library and drag-shows.

Aside: I've no problem with drag-shows, but they're adult entertainment.  I've no real problem with people who are trans and have locked horns with some you readers over how to show some basic, human, compassion towards someone suffering from the malady.

In short, the radical trans activists got busted for grooming.

Speaking of using words incorrectly, several activists tried to shift the term "grooming" to mean any teaching of a child about anything.

That screams that the parents were correct about what was going on to most people.

Even if we assume the best and that the trans-grooming was to create acceptance for the transgender (because acceptance would be better than tolerance) and not making children more vulnerable to pederasts, increasing the number of people with gender dysphoria means we're also increasing the pool of people who are very likely to kill themselves.

Either from an inability to find a groove where they can exist with themselves or from the condition clearing up later and seeing they can never return to being as they were; people with gender dysphoria kill themselves at a tragically high rate.

But, as I said, the argument was already settled in favor of the parents.

Public schools cannot teach religion in a manner which proselytizes.

Teaching acceptance of transgender norms is attacking firmly held religious beliefs and public schools are already barred from such education.  The rulings, to date, have been primarily used to stop the teaching of religious dogma, but they are clear that they apply to secular positions as well.  Read a couple, it's enlightening.

At the core, a parent has the right to decide what the state exposes their children to.

Exposing children to adult entertainment without regard to these parents wishes is wrong.

The retort that some parents DO expose their children to such things is irrelevant.  That parent is exercising their right to decide, not having the decision made for them.

Having books with adult content in a library where children can gain unsupervised access to it is not censorship.  Nor is taking those books out of the library "book burning."  I am starting to think the real problem here is language dysphoria, look how many words are being used incorrectly here.

The reason all this is so damned important is that children do not have the capacity to truly Grok many of these topics.  That comes with age and experience and the information has to be rationed out in small amounts as they prove they are capable of understanding.

It's why the answer to "where do babies come from" involves storks or cabbage leafs and not firing up PornHub when the kids are too young to understand.

Forcing someone to learn something they cannot understand creates its own mental illness as their brain attempts to assert coherence to something they, literally, cannot put into coherent context.  During this, you can sure as fuck steer them into giving you a desired response.

When you combine that with how easily children were manipulated on the witness stand and the pure fantasy of "recovered memories" the scope of the problem becomes clear.

Doing this to a child is wrong and should stop.

I've heard from a couple of trans people that they've "always known" they are trans.  Sadly, while they do believe it, it's most likely not true.

They're retroactively changing their memories to "realize" they've "always" been like this when, in fact, it didn't actually manifest until puberty started to creep in.

Aside: "But I've always wanted to wear girl's clothes!  You're mistaken, McThag!"  Prepubescent transvestitism is a separate thing and doesn't seem to have a real correlation to later dysphoria.  That both things can be present in one person doesn't prove a causal relationship.

Not a single thing I've said should be taken to mean that we should discriminate against transgender people.  I'm still in the compassion camp because what cannot be cured, must be endured.  There's no reliable and universal cure.  What works well for one person might be catastrophic for another.

The question remains about what age a child should be exposed to adult topics.

The answer is individual, and mostly private.

It is, also, certainly NOT the government's decision to make for a parent.  Nor is it the purview of any group who happens to be in fashion with the teacher's unions at the moment.


  1. I have no disagreement with any of that.

  2. This is what you were worried about losing contacts over? It's... just common sense.

    The misuse of words or the use of words opposite of their actual meaning (basically re-meaning the word) has been, is, and will be a common way of changing the people around the meaning-changer. If I get enough people to start calling the color blue 'red' it doesn't change a single thing that blue (a clear 'color' in an easily scientifically measurable spectrum) is still blue. But the meaning-changer has warped it for his/her own purposes.

    And, yes, gender issues like this are inherently a form of mental illness. One that is a form of mental illness in the person expressing gender issues in themselves or in others. Much of the pre-25, pre-25yoa because lots and lots and lots of research has shown that even in severely sane people their brains don't settle down from bouncing around like squirrels on crack, gender issues are caused by... parents or other adults suffering from some warped nasty version of Munchausen's by Proxy. "Hey, look at me, I'm a parent/teacher/relative of a trans kid! Whoohoo!!!" Like that poor kid Jazz something. A long-running friggin tv show more about the parents and producers and publicists pushing the agenda of trans-kid than actually helping said trans-kid.

    And parents/teachers/others pushing puberty blockers and meds and surgeries on people whose brains have been shown to be bouncing around like squirrels on crack IS a form of torture and nastiness that is horrifying. Yes, indulge the child a little, yes, she's a princess today and a cowgirl tomorrow or a princess cowgirl, he's a T-Rex today and Spiderman tomorrow or even a princess, but, ye gods and little fishes, one shouldn't then staple a crown to their heads, install webshooters in their wrists or take them to the local body modification center and have scales attached or implants installed to make them look t-rexish.

    And a serious discussion about the whole trans thing will include a rather more serious talk about the physical damage caused by forcing or allowing the changes and medications to take place or be taken. Including the rather startling statistic on the percentage of people who take their own lives once their brain stops bouncing around like a squirrel on crack and starts pondering the actual meanings of life, which is around 25-30yoa.

    Yes, I have known actual trans people who were happy with their transformation. They all were transitioned as adults with full knowledge of what all the ramifications and side affects were. I know more that transitioned as adults and then after the lopitofamy realized, "Oh, wait, I'm not, really." And then the cycle of depression spiral starts big time.

    Then there's the whole issue of what side one is attracted to. I tried to help one person figure out what he really was and the issue kept coming back to, as a man he was definitely not attracted to men, but he was 100% certain that after he transitioned then he would suddenly, miraculously, spring forth as a woman who was 100% attracted to men. Truth was, he wasn't nor would he ever be. And he took his life within 3 years of transitioning because he was now, in his own words, a lesbian and that's disgusting.

    But we're not supposed to talk about that.

    Same with other topics, of which I won't get into here.

    Yes, a small percentage of people are aided by gender swapping and surgery and drugs, but it's a startling small percentage of even people who have gender issues, because the body knows what it is even over the brain.

    I hope you, McThag, don't lose any friendships or contacts over this. I hope that you can have honest conversations with all people about all things without other people losing it. That whole 'learned discourse' thingy that was one of the founding concepts behind the founding of our nation, you and others can rant, talk, share, coverse and disagree without ending up in physical or mental fights to the death.


    Good post, by the way.

    1. I found a way to phrase it that is much less a "and fuck you too!" than the original tone. I am glad I did, because I wasn't really meaning the kneejerk "and fuck you too!" I was writing.

      Sometimes you have to make seven or eight drafts and sleep on it a couple of times.

    2. Ah, have had to do that very thing when actually speaking. Sit there and hold my tongue because what I'll say right then and there would be a world breaker. Fortunately I am a fast thinker so comments run past the old filter and fixer at light speed so I can get some comment out somewhat on time, sometimes.

      And I really hope that nobody decided you're out to commit genocide upon them and quits your presence in a flouncing flaming huff. But instead that this discussion opens up their ability to come at this in a reasonable manner.

  3. Hey Angus;

    I have had spirited "Discussions" with "activists" when they tell me that kids should have the right to have their *bits* lopped off because they Identify as whatever they identify as because the kids have the right and understand the ramifications of such a decision, but then they tell me that 18-20 year old kids can't own or possess pistols and should have restrictions on Rifle ownerships.....the inconsistency is maddening. I supported Gay rights way back in the day, but now they have pushed the boundaries, my attitude was what 2 consenting adults do in their bedroom is their business and the government needs to stay out as long as no kids are involved. Now they want to involve the kids, so I and many other "normies" that didn't give a crap before are starting to get crabby and push back.

    1. I've been saying we need to pick an age where it all comes steamrolling down on you and stick to it. Turn X, you can drink, vote, buy guns, carry guns, lop off parts, get tattoos, sign contracts, fuck up your finances forever by getting a worthless degree...

      Or come up with a rites of adulthood where anyone of any age can challenge the bar. Pass the test, you're an adult! Don't take the test, you are a child, regardless of age and you don't have the same rights as an adult. Don't like it, pass the rites!

    2. Oh, sure, throw common sense into the argument.

      Seriously, I think there ought to be a basic skills test to vote. Simple, easy to pass if one has received the least little bit of basic civics.

      Of course I also feel that nobody should pass high school without being able to pass what legal immigrants who are naturalizing have to learn to become citizens.

      And right there we have the test. Can you pass a citizen's examination, whether foreign born or naturalized birth? Then, welcome, you're a citizen (if you give up all your previous national affiliations.) Don't? You aren't a citizen. Period. No guns, no driver's license, no vote, no visa or passport or any other official documentation other than a birth certificate saying you were born here.

      Cheat and/or steal citizenship? Death. Most horrid. Horrible.

      But that's me. Sigh.

  4. I'd be a lot more sympathetic to the trans, and "LGBT" people in general, if they, or at least the ones they allow to speak for them, didn't take this attitude of "Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, so shut up, prole!" Whether they like it or not, they are a minority, and a small one. I'm in a minority myself (I'm left-handed) and have just had to learn to live with some inconveniences and drawbacks. Too many gay "spokespeople" strut around making endless demands, and don't realize that a lot of people's patience with their shenanigans has real limits. If they don't watch out, they might provoke a backlash that would make the 1950s look like a gay paradise.

  5. If you keep speaking obvious common sense, of course you're going to piss a lot of people off, mostly out of envy. Some people always hate what they can never have.

    It's also a tough row to hoe to preach sanity to crazy people.
    Ask me how I know.

  6. In our local schools, we are seeing an inordinate amount of students identifying as trans. Is that because they were exposed the idea early in school or because it's the current "IN" thing right now? the answer is probably a little of both. The VAST majority are just trying it out as young kids try out lots of things. -JKing

    1. Current in thing, like past life regression, Satanic cults, calling someone a witch, or the implanted memory sex abuse issues. It's all about someone, usually an adult, pushing an agenda.

      Heck, when I was a kid, grifting for UNICEF was the big thing on Halloween, everyone did it, even though at the time it was becoming known as "Cash for African Dictators."

      The vast majority are in two camps, either the ones who want to be the center of attention and the ones whose adult figures are abusing them through Munchausen's by Proxy (by seeking attention through screwing up the kids, the old "Look at MEEEE! I'm such a good parent because I support my sick/trans kid!!!"


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