17 April 2023


The Soviet Union was hip deep in upgrading their T-62's to the T-62MV standard when The Cold War ended abruptly.

I don't think I've seen many pics of tanks going to Ukraine that weren't up to that standard, so even in our timeline they appear to have succeeded.  Update: There's a few T-62M in those images...



I think I am on firm footing making it the only variant I need stats for in Twilight: 2000.

The T-55 is a tougher nut.  The Soviets were done with them by 1997, but just like today and the T-62 there were lots of them in depot.

I need to check what the other Warsaw Pact nations had done with them by then too.  Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland tended to lag behind The Bear a bit in shedding old stuff.

T-55AM (It's even Polish!)



Poland didn't shed their last T-55 until 2002 in our timeline!  T-55AM was their standard.

Hungary was having problems buying T-72s all through the end of The Cold War and ended up keeping their T-55AM's 'til the end.

East Germany had a stable of T-55AM's too.

Czechs were running the production line on the T-55AM2 until 1999!

It looks like most of the Warsaw Pact transitioned from T-55 to T-72 and either skipped the T-62 or were never offered it.


  1. How many timelines are you currently on??????????? Are they all concurrent?
    Seriously wondering
    Johnny Gee

    1. Many. Some convergent, some divergent, all running at the same time at various speeds.

  2. Hey Angus;

    As I recall, the T62 was usually an "Export" tank for the Soviets. For some reason it never really caught the interest of the "support Armies", they would rather upgrade the T55 than be on the hook for the Soviets for more of their soul I suppose. I surmise they didn't see enough of a difference from the T55 to the T62 whereas the T72 was enough of an upgrade that they "petitioned" the Soviets to upgrade their forces. and there was a "pecking" order in the Warsaw Pact for getting the goodies. I'm going by memory here, it has been a while since I did Threat assessment.


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