05 April 2023


One of the wonderful things about tabletop role playing games is that once you've gotten the books, the only limit is your imagination and you can play them to the end of time without further expenditure.

Since GURPS 4th edition appears to be GURPS final edition, I don't need to pay attention to what Steve is up to anymore.

Ironically, most of my GURPS efforts have been with an even deader game; Little Black Book era Traveller.  SJGames was kind enough to give us a GURPS 3e version of the setting that I've updated to use the 4e rule set.  It works well.

There's a native to 4e Traveller set in the Interstellar Wars era too.  I've played more recently than classic Traveller.

I'm constantly polishing the cannonball of Twilight: 2000 to GURPS.

But that's not where it ends.

I can play any D&D setting using the GURPS rules.

I managed to translate something as esoteric as a Wemic cleric from AD&D 2e to GURPS 4e.

It's not that difficult.

I'm chipping away at character templates for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1e for Technomad.  Another dead game.

And there's not a Gods damned thing keeping me from playing the original rules for any of these games than a preference for GURPS.

Traveller, T2K, AD&D and Warhammer settings all running under the same rule set you only have to learn once.

I'll even go out on a limb and argue that GURPS is a better system for playing despite having a cumbersome character creation system.  And templates streamline that greatly.

I am in the happy place of not needing to spend another penny with any game company who thinks they need to inject their politics into their game system.

Even more fun:  Everything is on pdf now.  The dead games can propagate at the speed of thumb-drive if one is willing to ignore their copyright.

If you have a GM who knows the dead system and will share the pdfs...  You can play for free!

Except for needing some dice...

None of these even scratches the surface of what I can create on my own.  Sabers and... is a GURPS world.

FuzzyGeff's "Springfield" post apocalypse is a GURPS world.

Long lost friend, Carl, converted from AD&D to GURPS 3e without any issues.  He kept on playing GURPS long after I stopped playing with him.

Ames icon, Standing Bear converted his sort-of-D&D home-brew to GURPS 3e.

We did all this without the official sanction of any company, corporation or sensitivity reader.

That's what really scares them.

We don't need them any more.  We're not trying to make money, so they can't take anything away from us for ignoring their woke demands.

In fact, we've run more than a couple campaigns were exploring the ills of the human condition were the point of the game!  You need to be able to have the half-orc child of a raped mother to examine the threads were exposing.

Yes, people might be offended.  Sometimes people were offended.

At the end, though, we learned more about why something was offensive, and how to not offend unless we intended offense.

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