24 April 2023

Don't Open The Damned Door?

There's a bit of hullabaloo about "stand your ground" in cases that aren't "stand your ground" lately.

One in particular seems that it could have been solved by not opening the damned door for someone you don't know in the wee hours of the morning.

Some of the others, most in fact, aren't "stand your ground" but are still legitimate self defense cases.

The press still thinks that you need to run screaming until you cannot run any more before you can even try to defend yourself or that you're obligated to debate with a criminal until over the issue until...

I'm not sure what they're going for here except that they don't think defending yourself is ever legitimate.


  1. we all know the left based media is never going to support anyone defending themselves from a demtard supporting POS criminal... the left loves to push that no life is worth property you could easily have over... panzer guy

    1. The left's end goal is to put an end to privately owned anything. Everyone will be a tenant, everyone will be hand to mouth from the government... And everyone will be equal. Well, some people like senior party leaders will be more equal than others. Criminals are a way to help ensure that eventually the middle get broken down to the bottom. That's why the left coddles them and blames the victims for having too much. Just so long as they aren't stealing from the elite or the government...


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