26 April 2023

Literally Just Down The Road

Uber Eats driver murdered.

Just a couple blocks from a friend of ours.

Charming looking fellow.

1 comment:

  1. MS-13... the guys that the libtard media cried about it being unfair when Trump called them "bad hombres". Idiots from the northeast mostly who have no idea what MS-13 is all about. We know all about them down here in Texas. They're one of the most ruthlessly violent and bloodthirsty gangs there are. They make the Bloods and Crips look like choir boys. They're about the only people the Siniloa cartel and Los Zetas are afraid of. You'd rather a Hell's Angel or Bandito married your sister than be within 500 meters of an MS-13 member. Most gangs have some sort of code they live by, warped as it might be... MS-13 not so much. It is absolutely no surprise that apparently this Uber Eats driver was killed for literally no reason at all.

    We should round them all up and show them the same treatment as they give others.


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