04 April 2023

One Can Hope

Bustedknuckles links to a report that says that...  The Dems done stepped in it big time!

Oh, wait.


It's just the findings of several watchdog non-governmental groups who cried shenanigans over the last election.

Wake me when someone actually gets perp walked.

This is the same kind of breathless reporting that makes Gateway Pundit so hard to take seriously.

While they might be absolutely correct in their findings, what will it matter if nothing is done?

I want people to go to jail (or worse) for fucking with the elections.

But I don't see it getting any traction.


  1. Unfortunately, I think you are correct. Election fraud from both sides of the aisle aren't even 3rd priority for our elected. They know the populace are far more interested in other matters. Election fraud ? We thought it was always baked in the cake.


  2. The Dems have been cheating on elections for a long time. They're very good at getting away with it. They're to the point they are pretty brazen about how they go about doing it because they know nothing will be done. Of course they are also major hypocrites when they cry about any even perceived funny business by R's.

  3. Grew up in the shadow of Chicago and got to see this party cheat and get away with it my whole life... Until someone actually goes to jail for it? Eh... They are getting more blatant about it because they know darn good and well they CAN get away with it...


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