05 April 2023

Once Again I Am A Woke Pioneer!

Wizards of the Coast is going to eliminate half-elves and half-orcs from future editions of D&D.

Because pure blood is inherently less racist than miscegenation?

I've been making full orcs in GURPS for a while...

I wonder what they're going to do about tieflings and aasimar...

Reading on this makes me wonder what the sensitivity readers are going do when they hit Traveller with its inherently racist Major Race and Minor Race humans.


  1. Has WotWC done anything good once they got their hands on Gygax's baby? Pretty sure the answer is "No."

    As to Traveller's Major and Minor races, only the leftist idiots wouldn't realize that large galactic-scale distances would start making differentially advanced humans, but then again...

  2. WotC are wankers to begin with. I'd say "Hell No" to Bean's question. I mean... elves and orcs are imaginary to begin with. They aren't even real races so how can it really be racism? I've seen some pretty twisted woke thinking in general labeling the races in fantasy settings as being modeled after European countries and analogous to the players in the first WW for example... Humans the UK, Elves France, Orcs Germany... Half Elves Belgium, Half Orcs Netherlands or Scandinavian countries... Crazy and kind of stupid thinking... But what Woke isn't? Even that sort of stiff isn't really racist... Since all those countries are primarily white European in population... Kind of insulting perhaps even xenophobic. But it seems like a lot of Woke don't really understand what racism really is.

  3. they are intent on destroying the cash cow aren't they....panzer guy

    1. WOTC's loss is Pathfinder's gain it would seem. Especially since the upcoming edition of Pathfinder appears to be ditching any need to use the open gaming license and thus being free of WOTC's shit for good.

      Being a GURPS whore means that I can freely ignore them already. Sadly, Steve Jackson is just as woke about some topics and I haven't spent a penny there since his whine about the Supreme Court knocking abortions back to the states.


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