09 April 2023

Found The Body

I'm not Catholic.

I'm not Christian.

Therefore, I'm not doing Easter.

I didn't do Lent.

You do you, but don't expect me to come along.

I think that Easter is about the last Christian religious holiday that hasn't been adapted to be a generic American holiday.

I know Jews who do Christmas, I don't know a one who does Easter.


  1. Archibald Barasol09 April, 2023 10:05

    Well then, Happy first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox!

    1. And you have a happy Easter! I do come off as sounding like I don't wish you religious types well, and that's not the case.

  2. Easter and candy sales have largely turned it into a generic American holiday for marketing to the secular world. Easter egg hunts and other things that have nothing to do with the religious aspects of the holiday abound around here. There were even people out selling easter eggs and pinyatas and stuff along the sides of the roads here. I suspect that it is more commercialized here is largely do to the massive Hispanic Catholic influence even though a large percentage of the poor illegal population are not really practicing. A lot of that is due to the fact that they can't afford the $$$ that being an active Catholic requires.

  3. Jews have Passover, and I guess Easter is why I got proselytizers at my door on Saturday for the first time in years. Fortunately they accepted that a Mezuzah on the doorpost indicated a no go zone.

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