09 April 2023

I Missed Something


I don't even wanna talk about his legal case, except the press keeps using this pic when he's an NCO now and not a SPC.

What confuses me about this picture is the Stetson.

SPC Perry is wearing all the 11 series accoutrements, brassard, branch rings, hat braids; but a 2-Cav crossed sabers hat badge.

Back in the wild west days of the Reagan era there weren't official rules for when you got to wear a Stetson with your uniform like today.

We'd have been up in arms about some grunt wearing the hat at all, doubly so if he didn't wear crossed rifles up there.

We got all bristly about that because the crunchies have all manner of special badging and we armor folks got nothin'.  When someone noticed the hat was authorized for 19 series, we jumped on it and defended our turf!

Things sure have changed.  As I understand it, you now need to do a "spur ride" that's akin to getting an expert infantryman's badge.

The rules are rather vague, but there are more now than there were.

Back in my day!  What you needed was for your CO to allow it and for EVERYONE to buy the damned thing.  We didn't even have our rank on ours.  Oh, and once A company convinced our CO...  The whole battalion had the hats next dining out.

This is where "the rules" hit.

Every branch has its own badge and colored cords.

The US Cavalry Store (RIP) supplied us with our needs.

The non-19K types ordered different cords and a hat badge to match their dress uniform.

It would appear that the hat badge is now unit associated and not branch.



  1. Hey Angus;

    Dang, I miss U.S. Cavalry Store, I got some good kit out of there, even when I got out and went down to the store off victory ave by Fort Benning.

    1. Assimilated and then destroyed by Gall's, then instituted retail sales policies on certain items that would be the envy of any CA of MA governor.

  2. "If everyone's special, then nobody is." - Syndrome, The Incredibles/Big Green every day since since 2001


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