17 April 2023

It's Math

Dear Bureau of Land Management Black Lives Matter.

The cops kill about 800 people a year, of all races.

About 60% of those deaths are white people.

So just 480 320 are minorities.

Just about 100 "unarmed" people are killed by the cops every year.  Again, mostly white people.  Like 90% this time.

So, 10 "unarmed" black people a year adds up to just about 100 in the past decade.

But 250 thousand black people were murdered in the last decade.

Since nearly all murders are same race, that also means that nearly all of those 250 thousand folks were the same color as their killer.

This is nearly all of the murders in the USA.  If black people stopped killing other black people the murder rate wouldn't be worth mentioning in the US.  But the honor-based sub-culture demands blood.

It seems to me that defunding the cops is the last thing you'd want.  Especially since the number of murders in places that did went up dramatically.  Places with large BLM protests, mostly.

So fewer cops means more murders and more dead black people than if the cops had not changed how they did things at all.

It seems counterintuitive if you can't do math.

Sadly, it appears that the same people doing all the murderin' and dyin' also shun the education needed to do this math.

Or be aware of the word "counterintuitive."

Fixing an enclave of a subculture is not pretty.  It's probably necessary.

Sadly, even if we start the process, we will only get tantalizingly close to ending the racism bullshit by the racists themselves.  They've got a grift they can't afford to lose.

An alternative is for the rest of the nation to revert to the overelaborate manners and politeness of a dueling society.  Since the subculture's rules for manners are different from the primary culture, they will be involved in more duels.  Demographics will matter here.

In the end the effect will be the same as the melting pot method.

Learn the rules of the wider society.

In the melting pot method, it's a lot more peaceful.


  1. I've since escaped, but when I lived in the area I would check the actual statistics that get posted on Chicago's "crime issues"... Not at an official site of course but a couple of cops put together heyjackass.com to get the actual numbers out... Or so I've heard :-) Pretty sure that would be a reason to be fired up there, so... But the actual statistics in Chicago mirror your above numbers almost perfectly. And of course you get some really interesting stats like "selfies" and... Well, some more interesting ones...

  2. the truth is something forbidden...panzer guy

  3. Is there an error in your arithmetic, or am I being stupid?
    If 800 people are killed by police each year, and 60% are white: 800x60% = 480. Therefore, the remainder (320) are of ethnic minority origin?

  4. If "Black Lives Matter" gave a shit about black lives, they'd be screaming for more police. But they rally around the cause of every thug who gets plugged, and threaten courts and juries with mob violence if the "perpetrator" isn't punished. That, IMO, was a large part of why Derek Chauvin was (unfairly) convicted of the murder of St, George Floyd. Floyd had more than enough fentanyl in his system to kill him, his symptoms were those of an overdose, and the first post-mortem said he'd died of an OD. But that didn't suit the book of the professional screamers, so they rioted till a second post-mortem was done. Then Chauvin's STUPID defense didn't get the trial moved well out of the Cities...I'd have suggested Thief River Falls or Duluth. Having it there meant that the jury was in legitimate fear of mob violence if they didn't convict,. Then Brandon (or whoever's pulling his puppet strings) piled in, making darn sure that he was convicted all over again, this time in Federal court. If that isn't double jeopardy, I am the King of Romania. And if I were POTUS, I'd not only pardon Chauvin on the federal charges, I'd lean hard on the State of Minnesota to vacate or pardon or otherwise get rid of the state charges, "Nice state you got there, it'd be a shame if it didn't get Federal funding."


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