21 April 2023

Read It Learn It Live It

 Science is never, truly, settled.

Climate science very often reminds me of the "spherical cows in vacuum" statement.

Cows aren't spheres, so any experiment that hinges on them being so is invalid on its face.

Neither do cows live in vacuum...

If your experiment hinges on conditions which never exist in nature, then your experiment is invalid with regards to nature.

While isolating the variables is important, it's crucial to remember that variables interact in complex and messy ways.

Messes that don't support the narrative...


  1. after the last couple years, i'm starting to wonder if scientists and doctors ever knew a damn thing...panzer guy

  2. Yes! A thousand times yes.

    How many times throughout the history of the scientific method has "that variable that we set as a constant, to make calculation easier (or even possible)" turned out to be a SIGNIFICANT factor rather than the inconsequential thing it was thought to be?

  3. It's something that can't be said too often, but if it's settled, it's not science. If it can't be questioned, it's not science. Anyone telling you that "the science is settled" is just trying to shut you up.

  4. When I was a kid, I made myself as much of an expert on dinosaurs as possible. A lot of the books I learned from have become outmoded by new information. Tyrannosaurs did not drag their tails on the ground, it seems; and dinosaurs are more closely related to birds than to present day reptiles.


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