14 April 2023

Chilled Speech

I am stating, for the record, that there's a lot of hyperbole that I have not posted here since Florida passed its red flag law.

Hyperbole meant in jest, but could definitely be twisted to "prove" I was someone at risk.

Because tyranny loves to take, "an extravagant statement or assertion not intended to be understood literally," literally.

My right to free speech has been chilled.

I am stating this, for the record.

I am uncertain how I get to to the point of nuking this damn ignorant law, but...


  1. And it's not just the passing of this law, it's the selective enforcement of said law that really rubs me raw. Like some leftist Maoist can say basically anything they want and get away with it.

    1. Well, the pinkos in government aren't going to apply such a law to loyal party members like Antifa or other Stalinist/Maoists. Those laws are just there to disarm and potentially jail or kill mean old white conservative men. Because you know Chairman Joe and Glorious Leader Obama say they are the "greatest threat to communism... err... "democracy".


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