23 January 2024

And We Like It!

On the highway, The Beast gets 534,240 rods to the hogshead.


  1. 1760yards x 3 = 5286 ft/mile
    Rod = 16.5 ft
    mile = 5286/16.5 = 320.36 rods
    534,240 rods = 1667.62 miles
    hogshead = 63 gal
    Beast = 26.47 mpg
    Not too shabby seeing that is my average in a 2019 VW Tiguan mixed city/hwy.
    Quaff a Tun of beer for me laddie. Mind you, not all in one sitting ;-)

    1. Except 5280 feet per mile... So 320 rods to the mile. You added two yards to your 1760x3 answer somehow.

    2. Chalk it up to fuzzy vision and a fat fingers. Yeah, added a fathom in making a zero a six. Oy! Still darned good mileage for a near muscle car.

  2. GNU Units:

    You have: 534240 rods/hogshead
    You want: mpg
    * 26.5
    / 0.037735849
    -- db

  3. Ah, but what was your speed, in furlongs per fortnight?

  4. Classic example of why I love to check in here almost every day.

    Thank you, everyone, for the laugh after a day at work.


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