13 January 2024


That Fucker Fleetwood aptly pointed out that I have been shot at unsuccessfully, and therefore I have been missed.


Nothing about being a little bummed that the old gaming group, apparently, actively disliked me without my knowledge and my one voice in thousands wouldn't be lost at Arfcom means I am done here.

My mind would eat itself without this relief valve.

Things might have been a bit slow with dealing with the house insurance, FuzzyGeff visiting for new-years and a dozen other small things, but I'm not abandoning this place.

The very thing that caused me to leave Arfcom got me to make GURPS 4e stats for the ENTIRE Patton and M60 series as issued by the US.  Plus I have a good start on the Leopard 1.

That puts me well on the way to a T2K to GURPS vehicle addendum.

I couldn't just make the versions you'd likely encounter in the game, oh no, I did all of them.


  1. I'm glad you're still posting here.


  2. Isn't there something about making lemonade?


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