09 January 2024

The Bills The Bills

No man's liberty is safe while the legislature is in session.

Florida's legislature is in session.

It's too early to bother listing the good and bad bills, most of them won't be progressing very far.

The usual attempts at banning normal, common use firearms and their accompanying normal capacity magazines and expanding where you cannot carry a gun are included as if this were California.

Even more fun is the redefinition of machine gun to match the language of the bump-stock ban then governor, now US senator Lurch signed.

But "little chance of passing" is not "zero chance" so we should keep a weather eye out.


  1. One of the more pleasant surprises moving to Texas being that the Legislature is only in session every other year... Working in higher education at a State school, it is important, but REALLY nice to have it spaced out like that... Good luck over there!


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