07 January 2024

I Need To Check The Math

It occurs to me that if the plane depressurizes, they will descend rapidly to an altitude where I can breathe.

I wonder if one could simply skip the mask that drops from the ceiling, pass out, then wake up when there's enough air.

The reason I wonder, if the plane is crashing, I think I'd rather be passed out.


  1. Yes, you can pass out and wake up once down in thicker air. And no damage as long as the descent takes less time than oxygen starvation takes to damage or kill you. The stupid face masks offer some O2, but more offer 'salvation' to scared passengers.

    As the correct response, if the airframe isn't really compromised, is to dive as quickly as possible in order to get to breathable air. The facemask thingies give the cockpit and cabin crew a moment to assess damage.

    Falling asleep before the crash? Yeah, I get it. It's like those ghost planes where they lose pressurization and everyone is dead from lack of O2 and frozen and the plane keeps flying for hours before crashing.

  2. Of course, there's also an issue with ascending too quickly without pressurization and forced air. One can get bent going up. It's just harder than under water at depth. Takes much more height differential and a very quick ascent.

    Once you're up there in thinner air, some people can handle it, some can't. A problem that Imperial Germany discovered with Zeppelins in WWI. Fly higher than aircraft and AAA can reach you and your crew starts acting hypoxic and freezing to death.

  3. Why pass out? Chit man, you paid for the whole movie, might as well watch it!


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