25 January 2024

Best JMB

The best John Moses Browning guns are from after he's in the cold, cold ground.

The M1911A1 morphs into the .38 Super Gov't Model.

But "his" best design is the Grand Puissance.

This gun was brought to fruition by his apprentice, Dieudonne Saive.

Saive lacks the name recognition that Browning gets, and two of his designs get accredited to Browning.  The Grand Puissance and "Baby" Browning.

Never mind that Mr. Saive also begat the MAG; still in wide service.

1 comment:

  1. The Hi-Power: you have to actually hold one to *get* it. It's a smidge smaller than a modern service pistol and that, along with the shape of the grip, makes for perfect ergonomics,. Hands-down one of the best. -JKing


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