13 January 2024

Just Walk Away

I think I have finally hit my limit on the wretched hive of scum and villainy which is Arfcom.

I think I can find something else to do rather than mindlessly log in and engage in the cesspool. 

I am absolutely certain that I will not be missed.

I'm never missed.


  1. I've never been a regular at Arfcom. I've been there probably less than ten times over the last ten years, but every time I'm sent there the thread seems to devolve to "nuh, uh!" and "uh huh, you poopy head!" within the first page.

    They do seem to have an excellent reference library, but how can I trust anything with people calling each other names like that?

    But I'd miss you if you stopped blogging. Little consolation because I'm just some dude across the country from you, but I did send you a bayonet once.

    I do like the breadth of subject matter here, even if not all of it is my cup of tea (example: wrenching). I only ever got to play GURPS (originally Great Un-named Role Playing System when SJG was first developing it) but I had many of the splat books for first and second edition, so I appreciate your GURPS conversion and discussion posts.

    I'd like to read more of your magic and sabres story.

    I don't always agree with you on your opinions, but like you I defended your right to have them and tell others about them. I'd still like to buy you a beer next time we visit my sister-in-law in the Tampa area.

    So essentially what I'm saying is "I love you, man!" like I'd day to my shipmates and buddies. You are appreciated and important. May you have fair winds, and following seas.

  2. Well, I probably wound't be missed over at Arfcom either. Probably not most places. On a lot of forums I've been on there were quite a few people who quite vocally disliked not just what I said but me personally. Either I have a thick skin or I just don't care what those people think. Frankly most of them are idiots.

    Anyway, I would clearly miss you if you weren't here.

  3. My thoughts on ARCOM
    "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious"

  4. That place is a circlejerk of faux-conservatives. Spiteful, petty, angry little manlets in most cases with the occasional decent human being interspersed in the mix.


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