07 January 2024

Things You Don't See Every Day

When FuzzyGeff and I were taking pictures of the sun, I heard the clear note of two piston engines in the sky.

Two engines usually means something cool!

I was expecting an old war-bird, but...

Looks like two different years of Bonanzas to me.


  1. Not different years necessarily but two different types. One is a V35, the other is an A36 (or B of some sort). Basically the same up front except for the tail design.

  2. Our county airport regularly hosts training sessions for formation flyovers. ( I guess there's a currency requirement for civilian pilots to fly formation over crowds.) In any case, we live about 6 or 7 miles from the runway. Quite frequently they fly over our house multiple times. The ex-pilot in me requires me to rush outside and watch. The Instructor Pilot in me critiques the formation. It's in my blood, drives my wife crazy, keeps me sane.
    Nice pics. Thanks


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