15 January 2024

I Know But I Don't Know

Water powered trip hammers are around in TL3.

I'm in a strange place of knowing what they're good for, but not knowing if they were used that way at the time.

Something else to learn!

What I do know is they were used for agricultural stuff, I don't know if they were used for metal working.

These little side tracks keep me from getting any where with other things.

Keeps me occupied though.


  1. Yes, water powered trip hammers and water powered bellows were used in European metalwork. It's one of the reasons the Euros came out with large-scale high quality iron and steel before the rest of the world.

    I mean, everyone oohs and aaahhhs over damascus metals... So? Europeans were doing pattern welded blades that were as strong or stronger by Roman times. Spain was a known center (Iberia) and the Scandinavian cultures also had excellent metal blades for their times.

    There's reasons that the Europeans built heavier and better armors by the 12th Century and kept progressing. Better metal refining and better metal production were the key, aided by water powered equipment.

    1. I see that I wasn't clear, again. Were they used for metal work at TL3? I know they were at TL4.


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