27 January 2024

It'd Be Hilarious

Willard suggests we replace nitrogen with helium for executions and I suggest using a full chamber instead of a mask.

Even if it causes horrible pain on the condemned, it's going to be funny as fuck listening to their high, squeaky cries of anguish.


  1. Why don't we blow them up ? Dynamite or even gasoline (well composed) would provide a quick demise. Right after their last bite is swallowed - burp - BOOM !!


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  3. Libtards show how stupid they are when they worry so much about execution methods not being painful. HEELLLOOOOOO... they're F-ing being killed!!! Who the F cares? If they deserve to be executed then F them in general... Of course Libtards are just looking for a back-door way to ban capital punishment.

    1. "When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite."
      --W. Churchill

      I'm OK with being as humane as possible. AS POSSIBLE.

      If it's impossible, then it's impossible and they will have to suffer a bit.

      C'est la guerre.


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