25 January 2024

Learn How Things Work

A modeler noticed that the muzzles of the Vickers MG's on his Sopwith Camel were on the wrong side of the barrel jackets.

Looking at the pic, you can see the guns are completely upsidedown, including charging handles on the "left" side of the gun.

I noted that the handles are, correctly, facing down despite being on the wrong side of the gun.

I am now reading about how I am wrong because a ground gun's handles face up.  Like the handles in the instructions, actually.

Look at those handles, facing down into the cockpit in this period photo of a Camel cockpit.

Guess what is being used to refute that photo!

A photo of a model.

A photo of a restored plane with dummy guns.

A photo of a model with MG.08's and a Fokker charging system in a Camel!  This same someone even said the Vickers and Maxim are identical...  Except they aren't.  Very VERY similar, but not identical and there's more distinction between the aircraft guns than even the ground guns.


  1. Brace yourself bro. it is going to get worse. Modern (young) people can no longer distinguish between what is real and what is fake since they never learned to focus on a problem then reason out a logical answer. Goes right along with the total inability to memorize simple mathematical tables and give change on the fly (without squinting at the cash register which displays the change due). Glad I am retired now, but shudder to think what is going to be the "norm" if we ever get to needing living assistance. Maybe my wife has it right, best to just croak when we reach that stage.

    1. They've moved to showing pictures of a Vickers aircraft gun with an upward facing handle as if the gun, alone on a red background, proves that the mounting in a Camel had upward facing handles.

      PS, the SE.5 has the same downward handle on its Vickers.


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