01 January 2024

I Thought That Sacred Meant Important

Dear indigenous American people who lost the war over who owns that "sacred" land;

In the intervening 100 years since the end of that war, there's been nothing stopping you from buying much of that land back.

Especially with the largess from the casinos.


Well, you didn't buy it back, so you don't get a say in how it's used by the present owners.


  1. A few do get it. The Meskwaki tribe (aka Sac and Fox) for example. They were able to cash in when their reservation land in Oklahoma had oil reserves. And they did actually go back and bought fairly substantial amounts of land around Tama, IA which was near the southern end of their "native" area. They built one of the first full Casinos in Iowa way back in the 1990s.

    I am also surprised that more tribes haven't followed that example, because it has obviously worked out pretty well for the Meskwakis.

  2. Aw damn, I forgot to sign that one... -swj


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