19 January 2024

Gentle Prodding

There's a form of Crossbow called a prodd.

The main distinction is it lobs a lead or stone ball instead of a bolt.

ST 12 Prodd Shots 1(4), 1d+3 pi, 240/300; 4-9 raw, 0-5 penetrates, 0-5 damage (average of 2)

ST 14 Prodd using one leg on the stirrup or a belt-hook $25 (Shots 1(5)), 2d pi, 280/350; 2-12 raw, 0-8 penetrates, 0-8 damage (average of 3)

ST 15 Prodd using both legs on the stirrup Shots 1(5), 2d+1 pi, 300/375; 3-13 raw, 0-9 penetrates, 0-9 damage (average of 4)

ST 16 Prodd using a goat's foot $50, Shots 1(22), 2d+1 pi, 320/400; 3-13 raw, 0-9 penetrates, 0-9 damage (average of 4)

ST 18 Prodd using a 1.5x windlass $55, Shots 1(16), 2d+2 pi, 360/450; 4-14 raw, 0-10 penetrates, 0-10 damage (average of 5)

ST 24 Prodd using a 2x windlass $100, Shots 1(23), 3d+1 pi, 480/600; 4-19 raw, 0-15 penetrates, 0-15 damage (average of 7)

ST 30 Prodd using a 2.5x windlass $155, Shots 1(32), 4d pi, 600/750; 4-24 raw, 0-20 penetrates, 0-20 damage (average of 10)

ST 36 Prodd using a 3x windlass $225, Shots 1(43), 5d-1 pi, 720/900; 4-29 raw, 0-25 penetrates, 0-25 damage (average of 16)

Just remember, dear readers, someone asked for all this in comments.

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